The Infrared Emitter is used to transmit infrared signals through an infrared LED, while there is an Infrared receiver to get the signals on the other side . An infrared LED is like any other LED, with its color centered around 940nm. We can use the emitter not only to transmit data or commands, but also to emulate remotes to control your home appliance using an Arduino. The Infrared Emitter can transmit signals reliable up to 10 meters. Beyond 10 meters, the receiver may not get the signals.
- Grove compatible interface
- 940nm IR LED
Application Ideas
- Remote control
Mechanic Dimensions
20mm by 24mm. The IR LED extends by another 7.5mm beyond the PCB.
The IRremote library used in the example below relies on using Pin 3 of the arduino for PWM output.
For non-IRremote based usage of this Grove, other pins could be used.
Hardware Installation
Connect the Transmitter module to Digital I/O 2 of the Grove – Base Shield on the receiving arduino.