We spent over a year testing all sorts of Lipo cells to bring you what we feel is a Lipo battery that looks the part, performs the part but only costs partly as much as the others. Read on to find out why we think these are the ideal FPV quad Lipos out there.
Batteries are an important part of any FPV quadcopter, try to skimp and you cant get the most out of your quad, or spend top dollar to get top of the line batteries that hurt your wallet whenever you crash (or get carried away and over discharge your lipo during an epic flight). This is what we have tried to address with our new TheFPV batteries, giving you solid performing lipos for affordable prices!
We are not the first company to promise good lipos at affordable prices. To be perfectly honest we got the idea from the FunFly Lipos from Gensace. Why spends loads on a lipo when you are ultimately just going piledrive your quad into the earth making a hole just big enough to fill with your tears? Lets face it, we normally kill our batteries way before they reach their cycle life or fail so why spend loads on lipos? Well that is what the Funfly batteries promised, but when it came down to pushing your quad to the max, you can couldn’t help but notice some voltage sag.

Here at Unmanned Tech we wanted something better, so over the course of a year we spoke and worked with countless of factories to meticulously test loads of cells the best way possible, slapping them onto ridiculously powerful freestyle quads and trying to abuse them with insane punch outs and crashes. Once we settled on a few cells, we then handed them over to a bunch of pilots at our meetups to get feedback. The result is a budget lipo that doesnt suffer from sag when it matters.

These packs have a “100C” rating but we all know C ratings are just lies. But then again if these didn’t have 100C on them most people wouldn’t even give them a second look. These cells have enough punch packed into them for your 5inch quad, because all that really matters is your flight experience and not the hyped up numbers.
Oh an one more thing..
If you are anything like me, you spend a long while – hours, perhaps even days – meticulously planning, buying the parts for and building a quadcopter that not only flies sweet, but looks the part too. Buuuuuut then you’ve gotta go and throw on a LiPo to get it in the air, and it’ll be silver, or gold, or purple, red, whatever. The colour doesn’t really matter, but the fact that it, like, TOTALLY clashes with your kick-ass lookin’ build right there? That’s just a let down. With these lipos they go with just about every build, just clean and simple, Black and White.

The Specs
Cell | 4S | 6S |
mAh | 1500mAh | 1100mAh |
Weight | 182g average | 202g averave |
C Rating | More than enough | More than enough |
Price | Cheap | Cheap |
Hope you are as excited to buy these as we are to introduce them to you. Give a set a go and you will probably make these your standard Lipo to use on your 5-6inch quad fleet.
Also be sure to leave a review if you like them!