Our new range of BLHeli series ESCs!

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blheli esc

We now have a new
range of BLHeli series ESCs in stock that are some of the best ESCs out there
for multirotor platforms so why not check them out! They have a great throttle
response with great linearity and they have several awesome features such as an
alarm feature in the event of loss. We sell 12A, 20A, 30A, 40A, 50A and 60A
ESCs so we can provide you with an ESC for nearly every occasion!

Why choose BLheli ESC’s over SimonK? – a brief history

So why choose the
BLHeli series over the SimonK series say? While fundamentally the firmware is
almost the same, from a performance basis, it’s very hard to tell them
apart. So why are there two versions
commonly in use? The BLHeli series was
written by Steffen Skaug originally for ESC’s using the SiLabs MCU
(microcontroller), whereas the SimonK firmware was written for ESC’s based on
the Atmel MCU. However, these BLHeli ESCs have now been ported by Skaug so that
they can also run on Atmel MCUs (micro controller unit). So SimonK ESCs work fantastically for Atmel
ESCs, but cannot be run on SiLab MCUs, whereas the BLHeli series is compatible
with both.

BLheli GUI software

The BLHeli firmware
also comes with a GUI (graphical user interface) called BLHeliSuite. This
allows the user to program with ease several settings of the ESC so that you
can customise it any way you want. This is something that you cannot currently
do easily with the SimonK series.

can download the GUI BLHeliSuite here.

Note: We
will soon sell the USB board that enables you to configure the setting on your